Human Menopausal Gonadotropin (hMG) is the active ingredient present in Humog 150 i.u. Injection. HMG is a mixture of hCG, LH and FSH, extracted and purified from the urine of postmenopausal women, used for induced ovulation.
Uses of HMG 150 i.u.:
HMGs are used to induce ovulation in women with several conditions, Endometriosis, issues with pituitary gland, the gland that produces FSH and LH.
Manufacturer of Humog 150 I.U:
The manufacturer is Bharat Serums and Vaccines Limited.
Women: Humog (HMG) and Hucog (HCG) are indicated for the introduction of ovulation in the anovulatory women with regular or irregular cycles.
Dosage: Alternative Day Therapy:
Three equal doses are given on alternative days. In menstruating woman the initial dose should be given on day 7,8 or 9 of the cycle. A single dose of HCG (Hucog 10000 i.u) is given one week after the first injection of HMG, provided the clinical and biochemical response are adequate and not excessive.
It is supplied in the vial form containing sterile, freeze dried white powder having 150 i.u activity of each FSH and LH.